yu sheng-凯发k8客户端

current location: home> research team> faculty


address:    4th floor, wangkezhen building, peking university, 5 yiheyuan road, haidian, beijing 100871, china

telephone:    86-10-62767172 fax: 62767145; email: 


 areas of specialization

agricultural economics; development economics; agricultural productivity measurement; international trade and policy; energy economics; economics of climate change; modelling; rural development.


office hours

by appointment


recent courses

quantitative international economics and global food market

agricultural production and consumption



·      2003-2006: phd in economics, australian national university, australia

·      1999-2002: ma in international economics, nankai university, china


employment history

·      2016–present: asso. professor, school of advanced agricultural sciences, pku

        dep. director, new rural development institute, pku

·      2006-2016: research fellow, australian national university, australia

·      2003-2006: research associate, australian national university, australia


current other major positions

·      a member of oecd fla meeting group

·      a member of australian agricultural and resource economics association

·      associate editor of journal of international and china economics


consulting experience

he has actively engaged in policy consultant work in china and abroad. he has consulting experience with many international organizations, including world bank, adb, oecd, apo, eria etc.



published more than 40 articles in english, of which 25 in the refereed international journals, including canadian journal of economics, journal of international money and finance, review of international economics, energy economics etc. the recent 10 publications:


1.      y. sheng, t. jackson, s. zhao(*) and d. zhang, 2017,“measuring tfp of australian agriculture industry with national account data: an international consistent method”, review of income and wealth,in press.


2.      y. sheng(*), t. jackson and p. gooday, 2015, "resource reallocation and its contribution to productivity growth in australian broadacre", australian journal of agricultural and resource economics,61(1): 56-75.


3.      y. sheng(*), a. davidson, k. fuglie, and d. zhang, 2016, "input substitution, productivity performance and farm size", australian journal of agricultural and resource economics, 60: 327-347.


4.      y. sheng(*), e. ball and k. nossal, 2015 "cross-country comparison of agricultural productivity: the united states, canada and australia", international productivity monitor, 38: 38-59.


5.      d. zhang, x. shi(*) and y. sheng, 2015, "comprehensive measurement of energy market integration in east asia: an application of dynamic principal component analysis", energy economics, 52: 299-305.


6.      y. sheng, y. wu, x. shi(*) and d. zhang, 2015, “energy trade efficiency and its determinants: a malmquist index approach”, energy economics, 50: 306-314.


7.      d. zhang c. chen(*), y. sheng and, 2015, “public investment in agricultural r&d and extension: an analysis of the effects on australian broadacre productivity”, china agricultural economic review,7(1): 86-101


8.      y. sheng(*), s. zhao, k. nossal and d. zhang, 2014, “productivity and farm size in australian agriculture: reinvestigating the returns to scale”, australian journal of agricultural and resource economics, 58(5):1-23.


9.      y. sheng, c. tang and x. xu (*), 2014, “the impact of acfta on prc-asean trade: estimates based on an extended gravity model for component trade”, applied economics, 46(19): 2251-2263.


10.   y. sheng and x. xu(*), 2014 “terms of trade shocks and endogenous search unemployment: a two-sector model with non-traded goods”, pacific economic review, 46(19): 2251-2263.

