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易红梅,女,汉族,北京大学现代农学院教授,博士生导师;新农村发展研究院副院长;中国农业政策研究中心研究员;国家自然科学基金委优秀青年科学基金获得者(2020年入选);北京大学“博雅青年学者”。她的研究聚焦在农业经济学和发展经济学,重点关注公共政策的影响和作用机制,并基于利益主体行为机制探索如何改进政策设计,提升政策成效,促进农业农村发展。自2009年参加工作以来,她先后主持了近20个科研项目,包括3项国家自然科学基金委项目,其中已经结题的青年项目和面上项目结题成果均获评“优秀”。她同时参与了国家社会科学基金重大项目、国家自然科学基金委国际合作项目、国家自然科学基金重点项目、中央农办农业农村部乡村振兴专家咨询委员会委托项目、中国工程院战略研究与咨询项目等课题研究工作。截止到2022年8月,她在国内外发表论文95篇,其中sci/ssci期刊收录论文63篇。论文发表的期刊包括journal of development economics, journal of comparative economics, ecological economics, the bmj, health affairs, social science & medicine, reading research quarterly, world bank economic review, china economic review, plos medicine,管理世界、农业经济问题,中国软科学等。2020年入选爱思唯尔“中国高被引学者”榜单。除了学术研究,她积极为政府政策决策提供支持,向中央政府提交了15份政策简报,其中12份得到了国家领导人批示。她目前主要教授《发展经济学专题》和《中国农村教育问题专题》两门课程。
2005—2009:农业经济管理,管理学博士, 中国科学院大学(原中国科学院研究生院)
2002—2005:产业经济学,经济学硕士, 华中农业大学经贸土管学院
1998—2002:农业经济管理,经济学学士, 华中农业大学经贸土管学院
- xiao liang, scott rozelle, hongmei yi*, the impact of covid-19 on employment and income of vocational graduates in china: evidence from surveys in january and july 2020. china economic review. 2022, 75 .
- hongmei yi*, huidi liu, zhiping wang, hao xue, sean sylvia, haonan shi, dirk teuwen, ying han and jiong qin, the competence of village clinicians in the diagnosis and management of childhood epilepsy in southwestern china and its determinants: a cross-sectional study. lancet regional health - western pacific. 2020, 3, 100031 .
- hongmei yi*, di mo, huan wang, qiufeng gao, yaojiang shi, paiou wu, cody abbey and scott rozelle, do resources matter? effects of an in-class library project on student independent reading habits in primary schools in rural china. reading research quarterly. 2019, 54(3), 383-411 .
- hongmei yi, guirong li*, liying li, prashant loyalka, linxiu zhang, jiajia xu, elena kardanova, henry shi and james chu, assessing the quality of upper-secondary vocational education and training: evidence from china. comparative education review. 2018, 62(2), 199-230 .
- prashant loyalka, xiaoting huang, linxiu zhang, jianguo wei, hongmei yi*, yingquan song, yaojiang shi and james chu, the impact of vocational schooling on human capital development in developing countries: evidence from china. world bank economic review. 2016, 30(1), 143-170 .
- hongmei yi, grant miller*, linxiu zhang, shaoping li and scott rozelle, intended and unintended consequences of china's zero markup drug policy. health affairs. 2015, 34(8), 1391-1398 .
- hongmei yi, yingquan song, chengfang liu*, xiaoting huang, linxiu zhang, yunli bai, baoping ren, yaojiang shi, prashant loyalka, james chu and scott rozelle, giving kids a head start: the impact and mechanisms of early commitment of financial aid on poor students in rural china. journal of development economics. 2015, 113, 1-15 .
- prashant loyalka, chengfang liu, yingquan song, hongmei yi*, xiaoting huang, jianguo wei, linxiu zhang, yaojiang shi, james chu and scott rozelle, can information and counseling help students from poor rural areas go to high school? evidence from china. journal of comparative economics. 2013, 41, 1012-1025 .
- linxiu zhang, hongmei yi*, renfu luo, changfang liu and scott rozelle, the human capital roots of the middle income trap: the case of china. agricultural economics. 2013, (44), 151-162 .
- hongmei yi*, linxiu zhang, renfu luo, yangjiang shi, di mo, carl brinton and scott rozelle, dropping out: why are students leaving junior high in china's poor rural areas? international journal of educational development. 2012, (32), 555-563 .